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Apostle J. w. Brown, was born in Williamston, NC to James (Deceased) and Bertie G Brown.  He has been married to Apostle Dr. Debra Brown for over 35 years. They are the parents of two children and the grandparents of seven grandchildren.   


Apostle Brown is Co-Founder of Rock of Salvation Christian Church, which was established March 2009.   He is also the Bishop of King's Court Ministries International.  In addition, he is also the Co-founder of Brown GospelNet Ministries, established in 2003.  Apostle Brown retired from the Army after serving over 24 years of honorable service as a Master Sergeant.


Apostle Brown was licensed to minister in Fairbanks, Alaska, under the spiritual covering of Pastor Charles R. Barlow in the Southern Baptist Denomination, in November 2001.  He was ordained as an Elder in February 2005, also under Pastor Charles R. Barlow. He transferred his ordination credentials under 

Bishop David H. Bell of the United American Free Will Baptist Denomination, Cape Fear "B" Conference.  


Apostle Brown has preached in several states (Alaska, California, Florida and North Carolina) for programs which have included Women & Men Conferences, Pastor's Anniversaries, Pastor's Appreciations, Choir Anniversaries, Women Day Programs and Usher's Day Programs,  just to name a few.


Apostle Brown was a member of Way of the Cross COGIC, Williamston, NC,  where he received salvation. He later joined Smithwick Chapel COGIC, when he became a teenager. At Smithwick Chapel, he was active in the choir and was encouraged to sing by his grandfather, the late Hallis Peele. During this time,  came to love Gospel music and the quartet sound.  He also deligently followed a group call the Mighty Bells of Glory, which inspired him to want his own quartet group.    


Apostle Brown believed then and even more today that "Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Him" (John 14:6).  During his military career, he worshiped and served at many churches, including: William Chapel FWB Church, St. John Baptist Church, Union Missionary Baptist Church, Fryes Chapel FWB Church and other churches in Germany and Korea. He also served as choir member, President of choir, Deacon in training, Youth Minster, and Director of the Fresh Start Ministry (Providing Breakfast).


Apostle Brown received his Associate Degree of Business Management, in 2005, from Barstow Community College located Barstow, CA and his Bachelor Degree in Multi-Displinary Business from Liberty University.  He is currently pursuing his Master's Degree in Divinity at  Liberty University, located Lynchburg VA.


Apostle Brown's  favorite scriptures include:
John: 14: 1: Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me; AND
Ephesians 2: 4-6: But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,  Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)  And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.   


Apostle Brown believes it is God's desire that we trust and lean on Him for our life in a world that is full of trouble. That is why it is important that we have unshakable trust in our faithful God.  It is through His grace and mercy that we can forget about our mistakes and try never to do them again. This will keep us in perfect peace where trouble can never have the victory in our lives.


"God is Good All the Time"

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